Monday, May 28, 2012

Sleepless In Seattle

To start,

I finished off winter semester with a 3.95 gpa. Yes I was sad. Felt defeated by the world. I'm not even kidding. I walked not with my head held high but hung low (when I wrote hung low I wanted to continue with wobbles to and fro, but then I realized we are not singing that song). It will be the closest I ever came to a 4.0 which is frustrating to me, in times like these I often say, well you can't win 'em all. Wish I would've worked a little bit harder in dang medical terminology though. 

During the winter semester I got a season pass to Targhee Ski Resort and went up a handful of times.  This is probably mt favourite picture from the season.  We were standing taking a picture but then I was leaning on Renee, then Justin started leaning too and we all fell down.  Got ourselves real tangled.

We usually have our competitive floor hockey team running as well.  Although this time around I wasn't the only girl and didn't get as much playing time haha, but it was still super fun! If you can't tell from the picture we were the floor hockey champions for the second time! We won 2011 and 2012 I love my team mates. They are hilarious guys and have tremendous skill.

(Alyssa, Garret, Ethan, Nelson, Butch, Shay, Kasey, Karly, Bryce, Robbie)
After the semester ended I returned home to Texas where I relaxed for about 5 weeks.  It was awesome to be at home, I would wake up and run (3 times a week) and watch tv. Basically a bum, but I have my mom with me and we're best friends. It's nice to be in a well known setting with people you have obviously known for your entire life.  Plus I love getting the opportunity to watch my kid brother play hockey, he will do great things one day.

I have an internship (required by BYU-Idaho) for 7 weeks in Seattle, Washington! Hence the title of the post. Which ps. I have never actually seen that movie, but I feel as though while I am here I need to find all movies that take place in Seattle and live it up. I am interning at CATZ (competitive athletic training zone) you can view their site here. Basically I will be assisting in training athletes of various levels in fitness. I just finished up my first week and have 6 left!

Memorial Day Weekend - Tayah McQuivey came to visit me from Vancouver, WA. It is only a two hour drive! Love her soul for enlightening my weekend. We explored Seattle, because I had to cause I am living here.  I am trying to debate what souvenir shirt I would like to bring home.  Should it be a Sounder shirt (because I work at their complex, and CATZ is closely related with them) or should I get a UofW shirt? I do not know! are some photos from the weekend!

This is taken at pike place market.  They had so many beautiful flowers, and each bouquet was only $10!

There is this place at Pike Place Market called Pike Place Chowder.  Oder the #2 comes with your choice of chowder (I obviously chose the New England) and a half crab roll! It was honestly so good!
The infamous gum wall of Seattle. I couldn't believe how much gum was there, it was nuts! People took time to write short words out in gum. ex. PROM? Also popular gum was 5, must be the brand of choice
Tayah contributing to the gum wall.

My gum piece I added, it is the green one and it has a middle ridge in it from my teeth. ahha if you can't see don't stress.

The Space Needle. Need I say more.

Pike Place. Such a cute market. So much to see there!

View of Seattle from Kerry Park (250 W. Highland Street, Seattle)

Tayah and I with a nice background behind us.

 And that is that. We also ate at Dicks, but failed to get any pictures. Its a popular burger joint (cash only!) and everything on the menu is under $2.70. So you can eat pretty cheaply! They have milkshakes, hamburgers, fries, and ice cream and it is real dank! Seriously you should go if your ever in Seattle! And I also saw the cement Troll under the Freemont Bridge but didn't snap a photo.

If you have any other tips or recommendations on places I should go while I am here send them over!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The MOST EXCITING Thing That Happened To Me Fall Semester Was...

I went to the Rexburg Rodeo. This story really shouldn't need any more detail than that. And it's not necessarily a positive light that is shining on that.  I don't know what I did with myself.

In all reality it wasn't as bad as I just made it out to be.  I can kind of be extra dramatic sometimes. It's how I got my nickname Crisis Karly. Which by the by not many people call me, because well Karl just suits me a whole lot better. But enough about that. Here are some pics from the rodeo. We took it for all it was worth and dressed in plaid.
 Some of the girls we went with, what am I saying this was the crew we roll with.
 Tayah and Christina before!
 Tayah and myself before, you may second guess yourself and think that we traded shirts. Well stop second guessing yourself and trust your darn vision. We did in fact trade shirts. 10 points
 Dustin, Christina, and Sarah. I love them.
 Shayne wasn't looking. Oh well, you can't win them all.
I would rank these two among my best friends. And they are married. And I take 90% of the credit for that. Cause she kind of met him through me, however I will give her the other 10% for being so relentless about dating him in the beginning.

Well I hope you enjoyed this post. 
Sincerely, Karly

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Went under the knife...

Yes tis true. I went under the knife. For reasons that cannot be shared. I wasn't happy with the way I looked. A nip and tuck can do a lot. I am just joking about the past few statements. I did go under the knife because for the past couple years I haven't been able to breathe really great through my nose, and have had constant sinus pressure (for those of you with allergy or sinus infections you know what this feels like). Then in the winter I was playing floor hockey and took a slap shot to the nose. It hurt real bad. I reckon that this also had a little bit to do with the breathing issue. I distinctly remember thinking one night...oh my gosh this is ridiculous i can't breathe!...then I called my mom complaining. So that was that when I came home we made an appointment with Dr. Rance Raney. Best ENT I think.

So tuesday August 23, 2011 I woke up as usual. My mom took me to the surgery center. And I got dressed in the hospital gown, and they gave me awesome blue socks with grippies on the bottom that, yes I still have them. The Dr.'s came in and talked to me. The nurse then administered some anesthesia and that is the last I remember, until I woke up in recovery. This is when some interesting stuff happened.

Recovery: As soon as my mom came back the nurse was talking to her and my legs started twitching at first, then began seizing. In recovery being fed ice I always used my please and thank-you's I remember thinking I am being really polite. And my mom told me I would always say please and thank you. Anyway back to the legs. My thigh muscles were contracting and I couldn't do anything about it. The nurse's and doctors had never seen this. The anesthesiologist hadn't seen this in his 15 years. So because my legs were contracting the first drug they tried was demerol this drug was supposed to relax me. That didn't work. Muscles still contracting - at one point I said my actin and myosin keep firing (this is the exercise phys coming out in me). Anyway demerol didn't work so they gave me a muscle relaxant that didn't work either. They they shot me up with Valium which should've calmed me down, but it didn't. At this point my muscles stopped twitching for about 20 min. Then the legs started up again and they seizing episodes got more intense. At this time they thought they should call the ambulance (I wasn't in a hospital - but at a surgery center for small procedures). Before the ambulance got there my legs were in constant seizure mode. The seizing didn't hurt but it was tiring cause I would hold my breath. So they gave me some more medication (don't know what) and that calmed it down. Then I was loaded on the ambulance and I started seizing again, so they gave me more medication. (Mind you the whole time this is going on only my legs are siezing. And I kept asking for water please and they were like we can't give you anything till we get to the hospital - that sucked, I was parched). So we go to the hospital in the ER legs are seizing again then they give me benadryl and some other drugs and the seizing stopped. I was then admitted to the hospital for observation cause this had never happened to me and the anesthesiologist had never seen it in 15 years. So I went into surgery at 7:30 am August 23, 2011 and came home at 6:00 pm August 24, 2011. While at the hospital I had an IV and had to ask for help (cause I was on a high risk of falling) to go to the washroom which was a pain cause I ate so much ice and had IV fluid. All in all the hospital was boring when I went home I was still drugged up. Slept really great all night, ate ice cream that I have no memory of except for the fact that I saw the bowl next to my bed that morning.

Glorious photos:
All happy before surgery.
Out of surgery the bloody nose begins.
I had packing in my nose and those strings got pulled out the next day. It hurt. I was not aware that there were splints in my nose as well until the Dr. pulled them out about a week ago. I thought my brains were coming with them!
Being loaded onto the stretcher about to go to the hospital. I remember them lifting the sheet to put me onto the stretcher...I thought I am so sorry I am so heavy.
Chilling in the hospital doing nothing. Food looked gross, didn't even eat it.

Yesterday hit my two week mark, that I am aloud to start working out. I went on a fairly quick 4 mile bike ride. This was the result...a super runny nose.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hey Baby Lets Go To Vegas

I have been pretty bad at posting events in my life. Main reason being I didn't have a camera for several months because my mom dropped it. No worries though, got a new one.

For May long weekend I wanted to get out of Rexburg and as irony would have it so did Brittany - want to get out of Provo. Well where the heck would we go if we didn't go to each others home? answer: LAS VEGAS. This was very simple it would just be the two of us going. We are pretty down to earth girls and all we wanted was a place to sleep with a pool. So Brittany found a hotel that wasn't bad - it smelt of smoke and the beds were kinda hard - but it had a pool. We spent everyday doing stuff on the strip so it was really just a place to sleep, plus it had breakfast for us...BONUS! We arrived to Vegas at about 4pm on a friday and soaked up some sun for about an hour then got dressed and hit the strip. We parked at the mall and right behind it was The Wynn hotel. I don't know why but I was just mesmerized by it. I love that hotel, and I have never been in it. We continued to walk south and a restaurant came into view. We walked to serendipity where I thought I was going to die because I love the movie for one, and I didn't know they had one in Vegas - to go to this place and eat a frozen hot chocolate was on my bucket list. It was soo delicious. We continued walking down the strip looking at Vegas and just soaking it all in.

Me in front of the Wynn.

Brittany a babe in front of the Bellagio Where we also watched the famous fountain show, it was great.

While in Vegas you need to see at least one show, we opted for Cirque Du Soliel's performance of "O". It was a water show and truly amazing. The dives and flips these people do are truly amazing, wait I've already said that, but no other words to describe it. I loved every minute of it!

Me and the BlueManGroup. Yes they are fake, my parents actually went to the show a week later and really enjoyed it. This statue of them was from the wax museum there which I really wanted to go to, but Brittany didn't so we crossed that off the list early on.

In fRont of SerenDipity!!!!! We asked a bystander to take the picture, but were hesitant cause we only had Brittany's nice camera. You can never be too careful in Vegas but this man loosed trustworthy.

Us enjoying the famous FROZEN HOT CHOCOLATE! The girl who seated us was actually LDS, just a cool tidbit to find on the strip. The hot chocolate was sooooooo goood!!! we were seated outside right in front of The Flamingo where Donny and Marie's faces were plastered (Mom LOVES them) it was really nice just watching the hustle and bustle while you enjoyed a treat.

While crossing over to the Bellagio before "O" we spotted the wax museum with Indiana Jones and Whoopi Goldberg outside!

So we dared to enter the Bellagio Buffet. We went in at 1:30 pm which was cheaper than the dinner, but because we went in at this time we still got the brunch buffet as well as the dinner buffet. We ate for about two hours straight. I literally thought I was going to die. I am not even joking. You just had to try everything, and some things twice. I will never eat to that feeling again. I was like Brittany I think I am going to throw up, we need to sit down. So we decided to walk to the huge M&M store which was a mistake because the smell of chocolate was overwhelming and I thought for sure I would pass out. Walking in the heat with that much food, my organs working so hard to digest was not a good mix. I needed a palce to sit down and quick. So we moved to the MGM grand lobby where we stayed for about an hour while my stomach calmed down. The food was to die for. But maybe not die, cause it didn't not feel good. I believe this is plate number one.

Me happy with plate number one of three.

Plate number three was all dessert. Yes ALL dessert. I just had to do it. Live it up while your young. The plate included two creme brulees, yoghurt with actual gold leaf on it, small chocolate fudge just goes on.

This is me at the very end. Hating to eat the second creme brulee, in pain, feeling nautious, but I did it. Really hating my decision to eat "all you can eat"

That is the end. My trip to Vegas was a great success. We ate, we played, we gambled...well Brittany did cause I am not yet 21 haha. She really only put a quarter in the slots and had no idea what she was doing so we clearly lost at what we had tried to do. That would have been hilarious if we won something. Perhaps another trip, another time. If any of you have not yet been to Vegas which I am sure the percentage is only about 1% cause everyone goes to Vegas. Well in short....GO!!! You will love it. I love the heat, I love the atmosphere strangely enough.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Brittany and Bobby Get Married.

So last week I was able to be in the blessed event of Brittany and Bobby's wedding. We started the party off in Canada of course at our old home in Calgary. We stayed with our long time friends the Stephen's and had a blast there! They are such a great family we have been friends with them for about 20 years it is crazy. On Friday they had their reception at our old community center. I don't have any pictures from it because I didn't have my camera then so I will have to sneak some from my moms camera. The reception looked very nice! The food was great, and we had a lot of fun dancing afterwards! I love when old family and friends gather for an event like this. Anyway the next day we drove down to Utah because the actual matrimony would be taking place on tuesday which is what you see pictures below! It was a busy few days, I am happy that it took place, but am also happy that it is over.
Here is the beautiful bride!! Isn't she just glowing?!!
These are the Shane children. Lovely family. They are so fun to be around! Such colourful personalities and I mean that in the best way!!
These two boys are so cute. The one of the left is Danny (Bobby's brother's son), and the one on the right is Braddick (Bobby's sisters son).
Mom and Dads crew in Calgary minus some very important families.
The BRIDESMAIDS! - have you seen that movie? If not...well it's freaking hilarious. We missed Amanda here!!!
Bridesmaids and the Bride. I love this photo of us sisters.
Bridesmaids and the BRIDE again. Thankfully she is light as a feather.
My brother Cole and Renee! So in love.

All in all the wedding went off with a bang. It was so great. Tears of joy - of course non on my part I don't weep, but serioulsy I dont. It was cute to see the parents cry, as a kid it's a rare emotion because we think are parents are legit superheroes and don't ever cry, but they do! Such prescious moments. I wish I could've been in the temple with them when they were sealed, I heard it was a great ceremony. With that being said. I congratulate Brittany on a job well done. Bobby is a great sir. Welcome to the family Bobby I look forward to learning more about you. Hopefully its not more surprising than the stuff I already know!! You TWO are awesome.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Life as I know it.

Well we meet again bloggers. Yes it has been almost 7 months since my last post. My life is just not exciting these days. I rarely have adventures to talk about, I mean since I lived in Australia my life seems...well at a stand still.

There have been some happy times I will begin the description now.
1. My sister Brittany is engaged!!!! She got engaged at the end of April I believe, and we love Bobby! He fits so well with our family, such a legit dude. SO happy for the both of them! Seriously though. I couldn't ask for a better brother-in-law. Here is a picture of the happy couple...its is one of my favourites of them!!
2. One day I arrived on facebook with some notifications. Somehow a photo from the past was posted. I love looking at pictures of when we were younger! It just brings back so many memories, plus we all had such creamy looking skin, and we were so cute!!!!!
I lived in swimsuits as a child also...
3. Well last semester one weekend us ladies (Renee, Brittany, myself, Amanda, Michelle all took a trip to Stephens cabin in MONTANA. Amanda and Michelle drove down from Canada and we drove up from Utah/Idaho. It was our last WHORAH. I don't know how to spell kind of looks like I wrote whore even though that doesn't fit with the context of my sentence whatsoever. So that is besides the point. We just stayed inside the cabin all weekend and had girl talk! It was great because Brittany and Amanda are both getting married and Michelle is leaving on a mission so we won't all be togehter for a while! Here is a photo that we took:
I love these girls so much. We have been friends since we were wee babes and we don't need to keep in touch every time we get together it just feels like reuniting with family!
4. It seems as though I am the only single person left on the planet. All my friends seem to be dating or engaged. I am happy for them all! Ahaha despite my wondering of whom I will live with for the rest of my college career. Mind you that is also coming to an end. I believe that there will be about 7 weddings to attend in August, I will acutally only be attending 2. or 1. Still many friends are getting married! I wish I could post all pictures of them but that would be I will just give them a web shout out...Erick and Addie, Erick and Chelsea, Brittany and Bobby, Spencer and Cassie, Hillary and Will (recent engagement congrats!) That is all of I can think of now! Wish ALL of you the happiest days on earth. Maybe one day I will walk in the footsteps that you have left behind.
5. School is coming to an end for me. Well I still have a year left by the light at the end of the tunnel is there. I definitely see it, don't need no binoculars or nothing! After this semester I will only have 2 left and an internship. My major is exercise physiology so if you have any family or friends in that field HOOK ME UP! I am trying to find an internship, I would really like to work with athletes basically I need ot shadow an athletic trainer for a team. So hear anything...hollar! After I graduate my plan is to attend massage therapy school in either Utah or Arizona because well those are both great places and there are lots of single people there. Despite my wanting to grow old with my two great danes Achilles and Hercules (I don't own them yet, but one day I am hopeful) I also wish to get married one day. Key word being one day.
6. About 2 weeks ago we got a little group togehter to go tour the Bodies exhibit in Idaho Falls. I love muscles and everything ot do with the body so it was really fascinating, even though I basically knew everything already thanks to the one and only Dr. Davis M.D who taught be everything in Bio 264 and 265. Okay I am only joking clearly I didn't know everything there. I am not THAT smart. But is was super fun. I loved the circulatory system the most I think. It was really fascinating to see all the capillaries and arteries without the body there. It is kind of a sad process how they got that though. Be warned this is a tad graphic. So after the body is dead the inject fluid through the veins that hards all the arteries, veins, and capillaries they then poor acidic mixture to breakdown the remains of the body and what you are left with is a complete circulatory system. After the museum we went to eat then walked by the river. Here is a picture of the whole gang.
While at the museum we pretended to play house, even though it was more like little house on the prairie!
Meet Dustin and Christina. They are one of the cutest couple I have ever SEEN. I am so honoured to call them both my friends, nay best friends. They are great! So fun to be around mainly because you don't feel like a compelte third wheel, more like a 4th or 5th.
I suppose this brings me to the end of my life. School is good, busy but good. I have no regrets nor am I angry, I love summer, I love playing with my aerobie frisbee, and I love playing the human rubber band. Also I see this gentleman every where I refer to him as red runners even though his runners only have a line or two of red. I am convinced he is the perfect person because he is tall and strong. One day I will meet him. Key word being one day.

Sincerely, Karl