Well we meet again bloggers. Yes it has been almost 7 months since my last post. My life is just not exciting these days. I rarely have adventures to talk about, I mean since I lived in Australia my life seems...well at a stand still.
There have been some happy times I will begin the description now.
1. My sister Brittany is engaged!!!! She got engaged at the end of April I believe, and we love Bobby! He fits so well with our family, such a legit dude. SO happy for the both of them! Seriously though. I couldn't ask for a better brother-in-law. Here is a picture of the happy couple...its is one of my favourites of them!!
2. One day I arrived on facebook with some notifications. Somehow a photo from the past was posted. I love looking at pictures of when we were younger! It just brings back so many memories, plus we all had such creamy looking skin, and we were so cute!!!!!
I lived in swimsuits as a child also...
3. Well last semester one weekend us ladies (Renee, Brittany, myself, Amanda, Michelle all took a trip to Stephens cabin in MONTANA. Amanda and Michelle drove down from Canada and we drove up from Utah/Idaho. It was our last WHORAH. I don't know how to spell that...it kind of looks like I wrote whore even though that doesn't fit with the context of my sentence whatsoever. So that is besides the point. We just stayed inside the cabin all weekend and had girl talk! It was great because Brittany and Amanda are both getting married and Michelle is leaving on a mission so we won't all be togehter for a while! Here is a photo that we took:
I love these girls so much. We have been friends since we were wee babes and we don't need to keep in touch every time we get together it just feels like reuniting with family!
4. It seems as though I am the only single person left on the planet. All my friends seem to be dating or engaged. I am happy for them all! Ahaha despite my wondering of whom I will live with for the rest of my college career. Mind you that is also coming to an end. I believe that there will be about 7 weddings to attend in August, I will acutally only be attending 2. or 1. Still many friends are getting married! I wish I could post all pictures of them but that would be creepy....so I will just give them a web shout out...Erick and Addie, Erick and Chelsea, Brittany and Bobby, Spencer and Cassie, Hillary and Will (recent engagement congrats!) That is all of I can think of now! Wish ALL of you the happiest days on earth. Maybe one day I will walk in the footsteps that you have left behind.
5. School is coming to an end for me. Well I still have a year left by the light at the end of the tunnel is there. I definitely see it, don't need no binoculars or nothing! After this semester I will only have 2 left and an internship. My major is exercise physiology so if you have any family or friends in that field HOOK ME UP! I am trying to find an internship, I would really like to work with athletes basically I need ot shadow an athletic trainer for a team. So hear anything...hollar! After I graduate my plan is to attend massage therapy school in either Utah or Arizona because well those are both great places and there are lots of single people there. Despite my wanting to grow old with my two great danes Achilles and Hercules (I don't own them yet, but one day I am hopeful) I also wish to get married one day. Key word being one day.
6. About 2 weeks ago we got a little group togehter to go tour the Bodies exhibit in Idaho Falls. I love muscles and everything ot do with the body so it was really fascinating, even though I basically knew everything already thanks to the one and only Dr. Davis M.D who taught be everything in Bio 264 and 265. Okay I am only joking clearly I didn't know everything there. I am not THAT smart. But is was super fun. I loved the circulatory system the most I think. It was really fascinating to see all the capillaries and arteries without the body there. It is kind of a sad process how they got that though. Be warned this is a tad graphic. So after the body is dead the inject fluid through the veins that hards all the arteries, veins, and capillaries they then poor acidic mixture to breakdown the remains of the body and what you are left with is a complete circulatory system. After the museum we went to eat then walked by the river. Here is a picture of the whole gang.

While at the museum we pretended to play house, even though it was more like little house on the prairie!
Meet Dustin and Christina. They are one of the cutest couple I have ever SEEN. I am so honoured to call them both my friends, nay best friends. They are great! So fun to be around mainly because you don't feel like a compelte third wheel, more like a 4th or 5th.
I suppose this brings me to the end of my life. School is good, busy but good. I have no regrets nor am I angry, I love summer, I love playing with my aerobie frisbee, and I love playing the human rubber band. Also I see this gentleman every where I refer to him as red runners even though his runners only have a line or two of red. I am convinced he is the perfect person because he is tall and strong. One day I will meet him. Key word being one day.
Sincerely, Karl