In school, when we would go grocery shopping -- which happened only about 4 or 5 times -- we only wanted to make one trip up those blesses 34 steps to the third floor. So one day when we returned home, we found that we had an abnormally large amount of groceries. So that we didn't have to make so many trip in the freezing cold....i decided to pack almost all of them on myself.
I not only had groceries strapped to me and in my hands but also some were put in my backpack.
I ended up weighing 220 lbs i think.

The Spoonmaster 3000:
This is probably the most tragic story this semester. My friend Kandice Palmer had bought this piece of furniture from some guy, and she had it in her APT fall semester. Because she is on the summer/fall track I told her I would babysit it for her for the winter. Well Lo and Behold after about a month this guy came over and was like yah this is mine, I'm taking it. I was like "uh no, this is my friends, I am just babysitting it for her." We argued for a little bit, I told him if you take it you need to call Kandice and tell her. So he did, and he took it the next day. The question that lingered in my mind, was HOW THE HECK DID HE FIND WHAT APT I WAS IN? AND HOW DID HE GET MY PHONE NUMBER....some people are really good at creeping. So this is the apt the day he took it, as you can see I am not very happy.