Valentines Days wasn't a bad movie. I loved that there were so many actors and actresses (well known) ones in it. I like some of the stories in it. Some parts were a bit of a surprise those of you that have seen it know what I am talking about, those of you that don't I suggest you go find it. I would tell you one thing I love about the movie but again don't want to ruin it for you. Cute movie though, I found it a little slow. So I am not going to recommend seeing it and I am not going to say don't go see it. Up to you!

I actually read this book in the summer time and loved every minute of it. The movie was an excellent portrayal of the book. A couple details were different but all in all amazing. The character Henry and Claire specifically were casted so perfectly I couldn't have chosen anyone better. Some tears were shed not on my part but in the theater. Cute book, cute movie, go see it.

Stardust is a fantasy movie for sure! I love it cause it isn't all frilly and stuff, there are some deffinant dark parts to the film, and there is action and whit and funny, the story line is interesting and different. It came out in 2007 but I will watch it again and again for sure!

I love this movie, it was so well done. Brad Pitt just did a great performance as a Nazi Hunting American. Christopher Waltz is actually nominated for an academy award for best supporting actor. His role was "Jew Hunter" and again just did an amazing job. It is set in Nazi occupied France during WWII. I would HIGHLY recommend seeing this movie.

The Guardian is a movie that I will probably love forever. I first saw this movie when I was in Lifeguard training so I could relate that much more because my training was intense but not nearly as intense as USCG training. I loved this movie for a couple reasons. One - Aston Kutcher is a total babe in this movie (he trained for 8 months swimming etc) and he is just jaw dropping. Two - the movie is just genuinly good and it's about becoming a US Coast Guard and that to save a life you must sacrifice everything. The USCG motto is "So Others May Live" I think that is just amazing that in the worst storms people go out to save lives and are just so selfless and they truly are amazing people.

I loved Sherlock Holmes!! It was funny, whitty, dark, just a fun movie. I would also recommend this movie if you haven't seen it yet!

The Blind Side - Such an AMAZING movie. I can't believe the life Michael Oher had. The Tuhey's were so loving to him and just gave him such a good life. It was a touching story and I hope that it wins an Oscar. Sandra Bullock did a great southern accent ahaha, but it was just such a great movie. Seriously every movie that is on here I would recommend seeing.

Now obviously if you listened to ANY of your friends you would SHOULD have seen Avatar by now. The graphics were just awesome!! I loved the different take on the Pochahontas story. I actually didn't realize that it was Pochahontas until my mom mentioned it. This movie is supposed to be the first of a possible trilogy. So until then I can't wait for this to come out on DVD

I just saw this movie last night actually and I was a bit surprised, the preview made it look like it was going to be cooky and wonky I felt, and it was just different than what I thought. I LOVE Tim Burton, I think he makes great movies. Helena Boneham Carter, Jonny Depp and Tim Burton are a great trio and are found in many movies together (Sweeney Todd, Corpse Bride). All in all I thought the movie was O.K. Not my favourite of his work but still up there. There were some funny parts definatley such as "I love my fat boys" and "hello Um" the costumes and make-up were amazing. I would not not recommend and I would not recommend if that makes sense. Don't want to be held accountable if you didn't like it. Advice - read reviews.
Anyway hope you enjoyed my little movie critique. Let me know if you have any movie that you would recommend me to see!
Till next time xoxo