Yes tis true. I went under the knife. For reasons that cannot be shared. I wasn't happy with the way I looked. A nip and tuck can do a lot. I am just joking about the past few statements. I did go under the knife because for the past couple years I haven't been able to breathe really great through my nose, and have had constant sinus pressure (for those of you with allergy or sinus infections you know what this feels like). Then in the winter I was playing floor hockey and took a slap shot to the nose. It hurt real bad. I reckon that this also had a little bit to do with the breathing issue. I distinctly remember thinking one night...oh my gosh this is ridiculous i can't breathe!...then I called my mom complaining. So that was that when I came home we made an appointment with Dr. Rance Raney. Best ENT I think.
So tuesday August 23, 2011 I woke up as usual. My mom took me to the surgery center. And I got dressed in the hospital gown, and they gave me awesome blue socks with grippies on the bottom that, yes I still have them. The Dr.'s came in and talked to me. The nurse then administered some anesthesia and that is the last I remember, until I woke up in recovery. This is when some interesting stuff happened.
Recovery: As soon as my mom came back the nurse was talking to her and my legs started twitching at first, then began seizing. In recovery being fed ice I always used my please and thank-you's I remember thinking I am being really polite. And my mom told me I would always say please and thank you. Anyway back to the legs. My thigh muscles were contracting and I couldn't do anything about it. The nurse's and doctors had never seen this. The anesthesiologist hadn't seen this in his 15 years. So because my legs were contracting the first drug they tried was demerol this drug was supposed to relax me. That didn't work. Muscles still contracting - at one point I said my actin and myosin keep firing (this is the exercise phys coming out in me). Anyway demerol didn't work so they gave me a muscle relaxant that didn't work either. They they shot me up with Valium which should've calmed me down, but it didn't. At this point my muscles stopped twitching for about 20 min. Then the legs started up again and they seizing episodes got more intense. At this time they thought they should call the ambulance (I wasn't in a hospital - but at a surgery center for small procedures). Before the ambulance got there my legs were in constant seizure mode. The seizing didn't hurt but it was tiring cause I would hold my breath. So they gave me some more medication (don't know what) and that calmed it down. Then I was loaded on the ambulance and I started seizing again, so they gave me more medication. (Mind you the whole time this is going on only my legs are siezing. And I kept asking for water please and they were like we can't give you anything till we get to the hospital - that sucked, I was parched). So we go to the hospital in the ER legs are seizing again then they give me benadryl and some other drugs and the seizing stopped. I was then admitted to the hospital for observation cause this had never happened to me and the anesthesiologist had never seen it in 15 years. So I went into surgery at 7:30 am August 23, 2011 and came home at 6:00 pm August 24, 2011. While at the hospital I had an IV and had to ask for help (cause I was on a high risk of falling) to go to the washroom which was a pain cause I ate so much ice and had IV fluid. All in all the hospital was boring when I went home I was still drugged up. Slept really great all night, ate ice cream that I have no memory of except for the fact that I saw the bowl next to my bed that morning.
Glorious photos:
All happy before surgery.
Out of surgery the bloody nose begins.
I had packing in my nose and those strings got pulled out the next day. It hurt. I was not aware that there were splints in my nose as well until the Dr. pulled them out about a week ago. I thought my brains were coming with them!
Being loaded onto the stretcher about to go to the hospital. I remember them lifting the sheet to put me onto the stretcher...I thought I am so sorry I am so heavy.
Chilling in the hospital doing nothing. Food looked gross, didn't even eat it.
Yesterday hit my two week mark, that I am aloud to start working out. I went on a fairly quick 4 mile bike ride. This was the result...a super runny nose.
12 years ago