Monday, May 28, 2012

Sleepless In Seattle

To start,

I finished off winter semester with a 3.95 gpa. Yes I was sad. Felt defeated by the world. I'm not even kidding. I walked not with my head held high but hung low (when I wrote hung low I wanted to continue with wobbles to and fro, but then I realized we are not singing that song). It will be the closest I ever came to a 4.0 which is frustrating to me, in times like these I often say, well you can't win 'em all. Wish I would've worked a little bit harder in dang medical terminology though. 

During the winter semester I got a season pass to Targhee Ski Resort and went up a handful of times.  This is probably mt favourite picture from the season.  We were standing taking a picture but then I was leaning on Renee, then Justin started leaning too and we all fell down.  Got ourselves real tangled.

We usually have our competitive floor hockey team running as well.  Although this time around I wasn't the only girl and didn't get as much playing time haha, but it was still super fun! If you can't tell from the picture we were the floor hockey champions for the second time! We won 2011 and 2012 I love my team mates. They are hilarious guys and have tremendous skill.

(Alyssa, Garret, Ethan, Nelson, Butch, Shay, Kasey, Karly, Bryce, Robbie)
After the semester ended I returned home to Texas where I relaxed for about 5 weeks.  It was awesome to be at home, I would wake up and run (3 times a week) and watch tv. Basically a bum, but I have my mom with me and we're best friends. It's nice to be in a well known setting with people you have obviously known for your entire life.  Plus I love getting the opportunity to watch my kid brother play hockey, he will do great things one day.

I have an internship (required by BYU-Idaho) for 7 weeks in Seattle, Washington! Hence the title of the post. Which ps. I have never actually seen that movie, but I feel as though while I am here I need to find all movies that take place in Seattle and live it up. I am interning at CATZ (competitive athletic training zone) you can view their site here. Basically I will be assisting in training athletes of various levels in fitness. I just finished up my first week and have 6 left!

Memorial Day Weekend - Tayah McQuivey came to visit me from Vancouver, WA. It is only a two hour drive! Love her soul for enlightening my weekend. We explored Seattle, because I had to cause I am living here.  I am trying to debate what souvenir shirt I would like to bring home.  Should it be a Sounder shirt (because I work at their complex, and CATZ is closely related with them) or should I get a UofW shirt? I do not know! are some photos from the weekend!

This is taken at pike place market.  They had so many beautiful flowers, and each bouquet was only $10!

There is this place at Pike Place Market called Pike Place Chowder.  Oder the #2 comes with your choice of chowder (I obviously chose the New England) and a half crab roll! It was honestly so good!
The infamous gum wall of Seattle. I couldn't believe how much gum was there, it was nuts! People took time to write short words out in gum. ex. PROM? Also popular gum was 5, must be the brand of choice
Tayah contributing to the gum wall.

My gum piece I added, it is the green one and it has a middle ridge in it from my teeth. ahha if you can't see don't stress.

The Space Needle. Need I say more.

Pike Place. Such a cute market. So much to see there!

View of Seattle from Kerry Park (250 W. Highland Street, Seattle)

Tayah and I with a nice background behind us.

 And that is that. We also ate at Dicks, but failed to get any pictures. Its a popular burger joint (cash only!) and everything on the menu is under $2.70. So you can eat pretty cheaply! They have milkshakes, hamburgers, fries, and ice cream and it is real dank! Seriously you should go if your ever in Seattle! And I also saw the cement Troll under the Freemont Bridge but didn't snap a photo.

If you have any other tips or recommendations on places I should go while I am here send them over!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The MOST EXCITING Thing That Happened To Me Fall Semester Was...

I went to the Rexburg Rodeo. This story really shouldn't need any more detail than that. And it's not necessarily a positive light that is shining on that.  I don't know what I did with myself.

In all reality it wasn't as bad as I just made it out to be.  I can kind of be extra dramatic sometimes. It's how I got my nickname Crisis Karly. Which by the by not many people call me, because well Karl just suits me a whole lot better. But enough about that. Here are some pics from the rodeo. We took it for all it was worth and dressed in plaid.
 Some of the girls we went with, what am I saying this was the crew we roll with.
 Tayah and Christina before!
 Tayah and myself before, you may second guess yourself and think that we traded shirts. Well stop second guessing yourself and trust your darn vision. We did in fact trade shirts. 10 points
 Dustin, Christina, and Sarah. I love them.
 Shayne wasn't looking. Oh well, you can't win them all.
I would rank these two among my best friends. And they are married. And I take 90% of the credit for that. Cause she kind of met him through me, however I will give her the other 10% for being so relentless about dating him in the beginning.

Well I hope you enjoyed this post. 
Sincerely, Karly