Well I cannot wait for Thanksgiving break! For a couple reasons.
- Reason #1 : Here at BYU-Idaho we get a full week of. This coming saturday I will be flying back home to Texas and cannot wait to be home, out of this bloody cold. Being away from home you really do appreciate all the little things your mom does for you (laundry, dinner) I hate doing laundry I think I have only done it three times while away from home, and I cannot wait to have a home cooked meal, and just chill out and not have to worry about homework, or getting up at 7 am. So for that I am very thankful for this break that is quickly approaching. Plus Im excited to see all me family. I definitely cannot stand some roommates and look forward to being back home with people I have lived with for 18 years!

- Reason #2 : Twilight is coming out FRIDAY! Oh my gosh I absolutely cannot wait for that movie to come out. I have read all the books, twice. Which is probably less than some of you but still I cannot wait. I wasted countless hours this summer trying to see as much of the movie as I can before it comes out. Honestly I can say, I am a little sad with Edward, at first I thought he would be amazing, but now he is only pretty good (he need to get more muscle i think, plus there is an actor who is better looking and has muscle that could've been Edward) Bella looks good, I think it matches her character in the book really well. The best actors cast are Rosalie, Emmett, and Alice. I think they look exactly how the characters should look! I saw a picture of all the vampires sitting at the lunch table and my mouth just dropped open. I could not believe how good looking they were. I literally felt like one of the students who was just jealous of how great the Cullen's looked. (This is a picture that I found that I think shows the characters pretty well...we'll obviously just have to wait for the movie to really tell!)

- Reason #3 : After this week of school, we have Thanksgiving break for a week (aka NO SCHOOL) Then after that school is almost over. I am officially done my first semester as of December 12, 2008. I just counted 15 days of school after the break. I can't believe how fast this semester has gone by. Surprisingly college is not as hard as I thought....yet. But I totally love it. It's nice not having anyone to tell you what to do, or be home at a certain hour (hopefully those rules are not reinforced when I go back home) But I have met so many great people here, and some of them will be leaving me here in Rexburg (they are summer/fall track) and I will miss them so much!
your post very beautiful and make me excited. Congratulation!!
Karly!!! I'm so proud of you for becoming a blogger!!! haha I love it!
I love you love you LOVE YOU! What'd you think of Twilight? I thought it wasn't too bad! I mean, of course it could have been better -- but for a first movie I thought it did okay! I miss youuuuuu!!! I'm excited that we MIGHT Be roomies in the winter. I need to talk to the managers THIS WEEK and sort that out. Lovesssss. And welcome to the world of blogging!
Hi Karlyyyy..
I think your comments about twilight are hilarious. You might be the only person I know who thinks Bella was a good cast.. aside from me.. but everyone else I know thinks she's just rotten. I'm glad someone has the same train of thought as I ..I love Twilight =)
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