Friday, August 14, 2009

Summer Thus Far.

Summer of '09 has been pretty good to me.  I've met lots of people in Calgary (mainly just because Brittany was friends with them when she lived here and through her I have been introduced).  Because of traveling and what not I did not have a job this summer.  By the time we were done traveling it was the end of july, and I actually head back to school the end of August so it really left no time for me to get a job.  So I have been just chilling.  I go on bike rides when it is sunny outside, so I've done that about 4 or 5 times aka Calgary has been rainy slash cloudy for several days, I am not a fan.  None the less every night is pretty fun.  There are about 5-15 of us who hang out.  I'm not sure what we even games, Wednesday nights at the wave pool they let you go in for the last hour for only 2 dollars so we do that then go for wings.  It is pretty fun, lots of socializing that's for sure.  We've gone to two drive-in movies up at Deerfoot Mall they are free so they attract lots of people, but that has turned out to be fun.  We gather out blankets and people with trucks and big cars head up there and watch a movie.  On Monday night some YSA got together and played volleyball for 2 hours.  I cannot believe how sore I was after that.  5 days later and I am still hobbling down the stairs haha.  

One of my good friends Kandice Palmer has a condo in Invermere, so last weekend she gather up some kids and took a weekend trip out there.  We had so much fun!! Thanks Kandice for everything!
(L-R: Brad, Renee, Karly, Kandice) Us four stayed out in the pool all night just playing.  One night we built a 4 man totem (pic is below), and we had some photo ops involving jumping into the pool. Brad took some pretty solid belly flops only because he was doing the superhero pose, and sacrificed his bod to get a good pic! Another night we had a football and the four of us were on the sides of teh pool and we would throw it to one another while jumping in.  It was lots of fun, took a while to get through all 4.  It's al ot harder than it sounds! haha

Here is the whole crew minus Topher and Max who graced us with their presence for two days!

Us girls jumping the one night!

4 man totem pole!!!!

We had some fun with out wet hair, made us some staches.

The last day we were there it was pretty windy and cloudy but non the less us girl stayed outside for about an hour or two trying to get a little tan.  

On our way home we stopped and took a picture by the mountains! I love this one, the scenery is soooo beautiful!

That was the highlight of my weekend! Thanks again Kandice for so much fun!!! You da you da besT!!!!!! hahaha. 


KandyJill said...

U da U da besttttttttest!
I'm so behind on my blog follow ups! But glad you post :) LETS BE GOOD THIS SEMEST!!! Become PRO bloggers! :)

I love living with you.
And I love you.
The end.

emily gillrie said...

I didn't know you started to post again. I am so excited.