Monday, November 8, 2010

a little late but..the PUMPKIN of 2010 is here!!

So this year I was debating over Dwight Schrute or Jack Sparrow. I posted it as my status on facebook, and although many loved Dwight (obviously) Jack Sparrow won the overall battle. I thought it was more halloween-ish anyway so that who I carved!!

I know I posted two picture and they are pretty, well actually very similar. But sometimes you need to images to get a better look, instead of staring at the one picture for hours on end, because I know you all will be absolutely gobsmacked when you see this and will sit at your computer staring for hours hahaha. Jk.


brittany said...
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brittany said...

Literally am. Gobsmacked, I mean. You truly have outdone yourself CK!! Beauty!