This past weekend I went down to Utah for CANADIAN THANKSGIVING. While down there I met up with my friend Christina's family, her brother was blessing their baby Carmen. This summer Brittany and I spent a week at the Taylor house hold. We loved it in Tyler!! The Taylor's are so much fun. Anyway this past weekend we went to the baby blessing and reunited with them all. Christina, Benjamin, Brittany and Myself have so much fun together, he are some pics from our togetherness.

For Thanksgiving Brittany cooked at TURKEY. Yes her first one ever, and it turned out fabulous. To prepare she watched a many of youtube videos, and paid close attention to what some great chefs do! It was a delicious turkey, so succulent. Stephanie made heaps of salads that we to die for! Everyone brought a little something, we had so much food left over!! Definitely had a great time!! Here is the gang:

3 Weeks ago I had the pleasure of travelling back to my home land...aka Canada for my friend Ben's wedding! We left Thursday night drove all through the night, and came back sunday night! I had so much fun!! It was almost a year before I had been there and I just forget all the goodies Canada has to offer me! We got Bubble Tea, Tim Horton's, shopped at Value Village, and I just loved being there with my friends. Renee let me live with her for the weekend, and I loved sharing her bed with her. She is the best!! Here are photo's from the wedding!!

Now...Flash back to summer. I was super lame this summer and didn't take any pictures at all!! All these photo's send props to Renee Comfort. She documented my first Rexburg summer. I loved being here in the summer, met some really great people had a ton of fun!! Played human rubber band a lot, bridge jumping, Rigby lake, Camping, , weddings, Frisbee, slacked a little too much in school (yikes) But loved life!!

No summer is complete without a Steph and Karl dressup night. I was sitting at the computer and Stephanie was just standing behind me looking like this for about ten minutes till she had to tap me on the shoulder. Naturally I jumped at the startling man standing behind me! I quickly had to join in on the dress up. The pink stuff is this zinc sunscreen that I am sure was expired it was greasy and was kinda hard to remove, but we do love to dress up. So I don't really care. haha

My friend Miklya's sister Caitlin got married this summer!! She was such a beautiful bride. We went to the wedding reception in Lindon. It was so nice, outside, sunny, great chocolate brownie dessert, and a dance to follow!! I love wedding functions!!

For CANADA day a bunch of us got togehter and made POUTINE yum! and watched Strange Brew. Poutine is soo good. Even though this wasn't real, it certainly satisfied my tastes!!

For the 4th of July Renee, Jenae and I all painted our nails patriotic colours, we then headed to IF to witness the fireworks!! It was a fun time. 4th of July is one of the biggest holiday's here I am betting. I love celebrating holidays!!!

Michelle Brandley was at school in the summer, didn't hang out with her much which I regret she I always have such a good time with her. Such a funny lady!!! Anyway Brittany and Stephanie came to visit me one weekend and we of course hit up DQ because that's what we do here in Rexburg.

This is us playing or rather posing in the human rubber band. We had so much fun playing this at porter park on days that were beautiful. Seriously hours wasted away. It is such a fun game, dangerous but fun. Susceptable to brusing but fun. Probably only allowed for ages 14 and older to play with. We let one boy probably around age 10 play and he got smacked to the ground, probably got a concussion poor boy. But we warned him. After that we didn't let anymore kids play.

The picture above is a group of us playing the whip cream game. You put a dollop of cool whip or whip cream on your hand then flop your hand up to hopefully catch it in your mouth...the result is a creamed face...and you stink like rotten milk after. But enjoyable none the less.
So that about sums up my life in seven months. Lets see I am pretty sure there were about seven events that kept me going. Currently it is fall semester here at BYUI. It is personally my 5th semester. My how time has flown. I will prbably be graduating Winter of 2012 which is just crazy to think about. I actually need to start thinking about my life (I like to have plans FYI). Here are some photo's from the first couple nights back...SAMMY's famous pie shake shop opened up, they have held many events, this was one concert that a bunch of us went to. I love my friends!

Also...coming soon. Karl's famous pumpkin carvings...Each year I carve a masterpiece of a pumpkin. They take me about 6 hours to complete..yes I am hardcore. The past two years I have done these:
(fall 2009)

(fall 2008)
Get excited for fall 2010!!
i love you. finally a post.
I love when you blog. Maybe you could try not to wait another 7 months... I loveeee all your clothes also. I would be knocking at your door to borrow them on the regular if I was in Idaho!
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