As I sit here in the Crossroads (that is what our school's cafeteria is called fyi-- it's nothing short of a happening place. It's actually a lot nicer than what most of you are invisioning...I am betting a lame school cafeteria) anyway it is not this at all. Food is pretty good, although I have to resist every temptation to go by that food, I can spend lots of money on food. Not necessarily a lot of food, just a regular portion size of food that really isn't to costly...around $5.00 none the less five a day ads up doesn't it? Back to the point...or are there points to rambles? I guess there could be. Sitting here is pretty entertaining...why you may ask...the fact that the Crossroads is loaded with over 100 people at lunch time is fascinating to me. Not the number of people...but the types of people. I LOVE PEOPLE WATCHING. It is so interesting to me to see boys and girls, guy and dolls, brothers and sisters whatever floats your boat interacting with people. Example number 1 (and I so wish I could've posted a video of this happening but it happened lickity split, and right before my eyes, no ones reactions could've captured it. This girl is sitting below me..(I am on a platform at a table that sits at least 7, however I am by myself I think i look more inviting htat way. Where as if I sit at a two seater no one will come say hi) and from out of no where this geeky looking boy runs over and slides across the table to sit by her. He earns ten points for 1. sliding with such finesse and 2...well actually just for that reason. No falling or flailing of the arms at all. Example 2. I love seeing people eat their foods. Hoping they don't look like a complete fool as they swing their mouth around to catch the cheese falling of a pizza...or arching their back as to hope not to get any pasta sauce on their shirts...which is inevitable we know it always happens..NAPKINS people...napkins. The humble workers of the crossroads (the male ones at least) much resemble Lurch from the Adams Family. Hunched over, swinging a pail full of water to clean tables. What sloppy students we have here. But really you would've thought a 5 year old was eating at the table....some times that is probably true...but sometimes it isn't. Also I love hearing fake people except for I don't. There are girls on campus who seem to have self esteem issues, not because they aren't pretty but because..(we aren't really sure what they are lacking...and by we I mean the people inside my head and I...jk I don't have voices.) but they just over-exaggerate everything, try to be really outgoing which just turns into obnoxious individuals. Notice how I haven't mentioned one name in this post? You know why...I learned a valuable lesson last night...not from my experience. But I was in the library and I happened to be sitting next to these two girls whom I don't know and they started ripping on this girl (who I know) they went on and on, I was just like...never talk about someone because you never know who is listening..also girls like gossip so it always finds it's way back to that person. Anyway so yeah...lesson learned, tough stuff. Then there are the innocent souls who are so tired that they just have to rest their wee heads for a mere moment of blissful shut-eye. To these folks I just want to go give them a blanket and a pillow and say "I'll wake you in twenty minutes". However those are not easily packable items. By backpack is full of goods -- advil, first aid kit, plethra of band-aids, granola bar, paper (obviosuly) but a blanket and a pillow just can't pack. post is good without a picture:
I love my siblings..even though this is only two of them.
Anyway if any of you really read this, hope you enjoyed it. I liked writing it enough to post it...or else it would've been a waste of my time. It's pointless babble really, but every now and then I find it interesting to see what people are thinking. Make a post of pointless babble.
i love your pointless babble. i miss your pointless babble. you need to pointless babble more often!
and amen about secretly insecure obnoxious girls that over-exaggerate everything! GAH! kill.
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