Monday, November 29, 2010

Shout out to MA GIRL Kandle Jill Palm Stew

ahahah Kandice, yes I saw Lauren write on your wall with this name (the title of the post) and loved it so much that I thought to pop it in here for yah. Oh Kandice. I feel the need to give you a personal post, mainly because you are the only one who comments on my blog posts, and because well you da bomb. legitimately. During this post I will revisit some of our good times we have shared together over the years we have known one another.

Account #1 : Do you remember when we went to the chinese food place..FORTUNE FOODS right? And we ate the DELISH dumplings and my ears literally caught fire. Well figuratively speaking of course. They were so good, but for some reason those dumpling were and shall remain my kryptonite.

Account #2 : Remember how you refer to your dad somedays, most days, as K-POODLE. hahahaha and how ALWAYS laugh at it. It's just the way you say poodle, which I have adapted. Actually I will have you know as I sit in the HART writing this post, I am laughing to myself about K-POODLE. I will also say his hair looks so good now, embracing the poodle within him!

Account #3 : Picture us in the kitchen in apt 306 at the Ridge. Remember when we were talking about being all domestic. Or DOMESTICATED and you truly believed that was infact NOT a word. Then we were watching a movie or something on a colour television set and they said DOMESTICATED and you just stared at me open mouthed gobsmacked that it was actually a WORD!

Side Note: I don't know if I should be ending all of these accounts with question marks since I am saying remember? Please read at your understanding level, include the Q's if it helps you comprehend my sentences better.

Account #4 : October 30th and 31st respectively HALLOWEEN. We had no IDEA what to dress up as. Then about 50 minutes before we make our appearances at the hottest halloween parties we think of the MOSE magnificent most amazing costumes of our entire lives! Dressing up as a PAKISTANI couple was too good. I loved that no one knew who I was, we were just so authentically ethnic. You have great bronzer. Also the pedophiles! How random, creepy, and brilliant at the same time!! ONLY if we could've had a rapist van you know the kind that has no windows and is white? Yah that would've completed the outfit very nicely. Not to mention we probably would've made breaking news. I see it now headlines streaming across television screens : PERP PEDOPHILES PERUSE THE STREETS OF REBURG. We could've made history you and I.

Account #5 : Remember when we went to LION KING. And it was soooo good. And your mom made a whole bunch of snacks before the event and they are called jour d'ouvers. I have no idea how to spell that, but I know you will understand. And they were so tasty!! We road in a limo, and the AC was blowing so hard that your wylie coyotes ruined one or two picture from streaking into my face! hahaha

Acount #6 : Imagine the sunshine inside of SUNSPLASH. Remember how the person could never remember my name. Oh yes Carol, or Kristi. That made me feel really special. Also how we got sooooo tanned that summer. Yes I miss those days. We are both now like ghosts. Metaphorically speaking of course, cause we didn't die, although you did get married which is a lot like dying. JOKES! aha. But still we are like ghosts in regards to our skin colour, it lacks cappucino pigmentation. That was such a great summer wasn't it?

Account #7 : So your mom is a really good cook. Remember how we tried to make merangues one night. And we literally beated the stuff for 20 minutes and we were so excited, then we circles them perfectly on the sheet and waited and they were BARF. Hard work WASTED. Fun work, I truly believe that my biceps are much toner and stronger today from mixing it for so long. Maybe we can get togehter one day and make them again!!!?!?!?! Honestly though. Lets make some.

Well I love you Kandice. You are so funny. You will remain one of my good friends till the day I die. Which facebook has predicted to be Feb 18, 2013 incase you were wondering. You can be my ugogolizer. Also called Eulogist. I hope you are having a good semester!! I hope to see you in the WINTER. Maybe we can go boarding together! I know you will read this, and I look forward to your comment!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

In the Spirit of Giving

Well I do love giving, but this isn't so much in the spirit of giving as it is in the spirit of thanksGIVING. I guess that should've been my post title. I could go back and change, but sometimes it's fun to talk it out yourself while others read a long and understand you reasoning for not changing some words. After all does it really make a difference if I were to write THANKSGIVING instead of GIVING? I think not. That is a rhetorical questions, do not answer it in the comment box please. ahah.

I am thankful for this Holiday season. Which makes me sound like I am referring to Christmas when in actuality I am referring to Thanksgiving. This could be a confusing, but I know you'll catch on eventually. Well there actually is no catching on that needs to be done because I just blatantly told you that I was actually referring to Thanksgiving.

I am thankful for family. I love my family. I love the ways we do and do not get a long. We are colourful characters. It is never quiet in the Percifield household when all 5 of us are home. It actually isn't quiet whenever I am home. I bring out the best in people ahah. I am thankful for my mom and my dad and the hard work they do and the examples they are to me.

I am thankful for Texas. Because it is a great state. Also because it doesn't recieve snow. I actually like the snow just don't like the cold. Unfortunatley they come hand in hand. I like going back home and seeing green, and my pool (even though the water is cold) and the sun, and the temperatures about 70!!

I am thankful for BYU-Idaho. I love this school, not always the courses or the people. But I am thankful for this school allowing me a full week to go home for this feastful holiday.

I am thankful for food. I love food. As you can obviously tell by my bod. I love turkey, cranberry sauce, STUFFING, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, and PUMPKIN PIE. It is so tasty. I am lucky to have not one, but two thanksgiving a year. This is one of the benefits of being CANADIAN and living in AMERICA you just celebrate both!

I am thankful for work. I am so forutante to have a job with great people. SHOUT OUT to Amy (I know you will read this), Elise, Kierstin and all you other great people!! You keep me young! I feel more grown-up because I have a salary. NBD.

I wish all of you a HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Travel Safely. Be Grateful. Be Thankful. Peace and Blessings.

Monday, November 8, 2010

a little late but..the PUMPKIN of 2010 is here!!

So this year I was debating over Dwight Schrute or Jack Sparrow. I posted it as my status on facebook, and although many loved Dwight (obviously) Jack Sparrow won the overall battle. I thought it was more halloween-ish anyway so that who I carved!!

I know I posted two picture and they are pretty, well actually very similar. But sometimes you need to images to get a better look, instead of staring at the one picture for hours on end, because I know you all will be absolutely gobsmacked when you see this and will sit at your computer staring for hours hahaha. Jk.