Monday, November 29, 2010

Shout out to MA GIRL Kandle Jill Palm Stew

ahahah Kandice, yes I saw Lauren write on your wall with this name (the title of the post) and loved it so much that I thought to pop it in here for yah. Oh Kandice. I feel the need to give you a personal post, mainly because you are the only one who comments on my blog posts, and because well you da bomb. legitimately. During this post I will revisit some of our good times we have shared together over the years we have known one another.

Account #1 : Do you remember when we went to the chinese food place..FORTUNE FOODS right? And we ate the DELISH dumplings and my ears literally caught fire. Well figuratively speaking of course. They were so good, but for some reason those dumpling were and shall remain my kryptonite.

Account #2 : Remember how you refer to your dad somedays, most days, as K-POODLE. hahahaha and how ALWAYS laugh at it. It's just the way you say poodle, which I have adapted. Actually I will have you know as I sit in the HART writing this post, I am laughing to myself about K-POODLE. I will also say his hair looks so good now, embracing the poodle within him!

Account #3 : Picture us in the kitchen in apt 306 at the Ridge. Remember when we were talking about being all domestic. Or DOMESTICATED and you truly believed that was infact NOT a word. Then we were watching a movie or something on a colour television set and they said DOMESTICATED and you just stared at me open mouthed gobsmacked that it was actually a WORD!

Side Note: I don't know if I should be ending all of these accounts with question marks since I am saying remember? Please read at your understanding level, include the Q's if it helps you comprehend my sentences better.

Account #4 : October 30th and 31st respectively HALLOWEEN. We had no IDEA what to dress up as. Then about 50 minutes before we make our appearances at the hottest halloween parties we think of the MOSE magnificent most amazing costumes of our entire lives! Dressing up as a PAKISTANI couple was too good. I loved that no one knew who I was, we were just so authentically ethnic. You have great bronzer. Also the pedophiles! How random, creepy, and brilliant at the same time!! ONLY if we could've had a rapist van you know the kind that has no windows and is white? Yah that would've completed the outfit very nicely. Not to mention we probably would've made breaking news. I see it now headlines streaming across television screens : PERP PEDOPHILES PERUSE THE STREETS OF REBURG. We could've made history you and I.

Account #5 : Remember when we went to LION KING. And it was soooo good. And your mom made a whole bunch of snacks before the event and they are called jour d'ouvers. I have no idea how to spell that, but I know you will understand. And they were so tasty!! We road in a limo, and the AC was blowing so hard that your wylie coyotes ruined one or two picture from streaking into my face! hahaha

Acount #6 : Imagine the sunshine inside of SUNSPLASH. Remember how the person could never remember my name. Oh yes Carol, or Kristi. That made me feel really special. Also how we got sooooo tanned that summer. Yes I miss those days. We are both now like ghosts. Metaphorically speaking of course, cause we didn't die, although you did get married which is a lot like dying. JOKES! aha. But still we are like ghosts in regards to our skin colour, it lacks cappucino pigmentation. That was such a great summer wasn't it?

Account #7 : So your mom is a really good cook. Remember how we tried to make merangues one night. And we literally beated the stuff for 20 minutes and we were so excited, then we circles them perfectly on the sheet and waited and they were BARF. Hard work WASTED. Fun work, I truly believe that my biceps are much toner and stronger today from mixing it for so long. Maybe we can get togehter one day and make them again!!!?!?!?! Honestly though. Lets make some.

Well I love you Kandice. You are so funny. You will remain one of my good friends till the day I die. Which facebook has predicted to be Feb 18, 2013 incase you were wondering. You can be my ugogolizer. Also called Eulogist. I hope you are having a good semester!! I hope to see you in the WINTER. Maybe we can go boarding together! I know you will read this, and I look forward to your comment!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

In the Spirit of Giving

Well I do love giving, but this isn't so much in the spirit of giving as it is in the spirit of thanksGIVING. I guess that should've been my post title. I could go back and change, but sometimes it's fun to talk it out yourself while others read a long and understand you reasoning for not changing some words. After all does it really make a difference if I were to write THANKSGIVING instead of GIVING? I think not. That is a rhetorical questions, do not answer it in the comment box please. ahah.

I am thankful for this Holiday season. Which makes me sound like I am referring to Christmas when in actuality I am referring to Thanksgiving. This could be a confusing, but I know you'll catch on eventually. Well there actually is no catching on that needs to be done because I just blatantly told you that I was actually referring to Thanksgiving.

I am thankful for family. I love my family. I love the ways we do and do not get a long. We are colourful characters. It is never quiet in the Percifield household when all 5 of us are home. It actually isn't quiet whenever I am home. I bring out the best in people ahah. I am thankful for my mom and my dad and the hard work they do and the examples they are to me.

I am thankful for Texas. Because it is a great state. Also because it doesn't recieve snow. I actually like the snow just don't like the cold. Unfortunatley they come hand in hand. I like going back home and seeing green, and my pool (even though the water is cold) and the sun, and the temperatures about 70!!

I am thankful for BYU-Idaho. I love this school, not always the courses or the people. But I am thankful for this school allowing me a full week to go home for this feastful holiday.

I am thankful for food. I love food. As you can obviously tell by my bod. I love turkey, cranberry sauce, STUFFING, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, and PUMPKIN PIE. It is so tasty. I am lucky to have not one, but two thanksgiving a year. This is one of the benefits of being CANADIAN and living in AMERICA you just celebrate both!

I am thankful for work. I am so forutante to have a job with great people. SHOUT OUT to Amy (I know you will read this), Elise, Kierstin and all you other great people!! You keep me young! I feel more grown-up because I have a salary. NBD.

I wish all of you a HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Travel Safely. Be Grateful. Be Thankful. Peace and Blessings.

Monday, November 8, 2010

a little late but..the PUMPKIN of 2010 is here!!

So this year I was debating over Dwight Schrute or Jack Sparrow. I posted it as my status on facebook, and although many loved Dwight (obviously) Jack Sparrow won the overall battle. I thought it was more halloween-ish anyway so that who I carved!!

I know I posted two picture and they are pretty, well actually very similar. But sometimes you need to images to get a better look, instead of staring at the one picture for hours on end, because I know you all will be absolutely gobsmacked when you see this and will sit at your computer staring for hours hahaha. Jk.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Muggles Don't Be Offended

I found this on my news feed in facebook. It always make me laugh. Wanted to share it with you. Muggles, don't be offended if you don't understand, only magic folk will get this.

dear voldy clan. I am pleased to announce that Luna Lovegood has joined us once again. After her expulsion from our clan (because of neville longbottom), she has proved herself worthy enough to have her wand reinstated. Welcome back Luna, Welcome back. Harry, needless to say you are and always will remain in the Voldy clan. I would like to present you with this years Golden Snitch Award. Congratulations. Dobe:you are and will continue to be our slave until you die. which should be 400 years from now. ps. I did NOT give you that sock. oh and Mrs. Weasley: Thank you for our Rice Pudding; the official Voldy snack. And to Draco Malfoy. You have yet to prove to me your magic using abilities. Once you prove to me that you have talent and that your able to cast a perfect "Avada Kedrava", then you may join our clan. Choose your vicitim and your wand wisely Draco. Do not make me regret this.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Just a Touch of Pointless Babble

I know I just revealed to you all a new post yesterday. Might as well not keep Christmas waiting. And by that phrase I don't mean Christmas at all cause WE are the ones waiting for Christmas to get here not Christmas itself. As a particularly Christmas savvy individual I am strongly resisting my inner elf to start pulling out the lights, and Christmas music, and movies. But this is besides the point, how did I even get talking on Christmas in the first place...oh yes. I thought I would enlighten the lives of those who read my blog with some snarky comments. Well not really snarky but I think you get my drift. If not i'm sure you get the picture.

As I sit here in the Crossroads (that is what our school's cafeteria is called fyi-- it's nothing short of a happening place. It's actually a lot nicer than what most of you are invisioning...I am betting a lame school cafeteria) anyway it is not this at all. Food is pretty good, although I have to resist every temptation to go by that food, I can spend lots of money on food. Not necessarily a lot of food, just a regular portion size of food that really isn't to costly...around $5.00 none the less five a day ads up doesn't it? Back to the point...or are there points to rambles? I guess there could be. Sitting here is pretty entertaining...why you may ask...the fact that the Crossroads is loaded with over 100 people at lunch time is fascinating to me. Not the number of people...but the types of people. I LOVE PEOPLE WATCHING. It is so interesting to me to see boys and girls, guy and dolls, brothers and sisters whatever floats your boat interacting with people. Example number 1 (and I so wish I could've posted a video of this happening but it happened lickity split, and right before my eyes, no ones reactions could've captured it. This girl is sitting below me..(I am on a platform at a table that sits at least 7, however I am by myself I think i look more inviting htat way. Where as if I sit at a two seater no one will come say hi) and from out of no where this geeky looking boy runs over and slides across the table to sit by her. He earns ten points for 1. sliding with such finesse and 2...well actually just for that reason. No falling or flailing of the arms at all. Example 2. I love seeing people eat their foods. Hoping they don't look like a complete fool as they swing their mouth around to catch the cheese falling of a pizza...or arching their back as to hope not to get any pasta sauce on their shirts...which is inevitable we know it always happens..NAPKINS people...napkins. The humble workers of the crossroads (the male ones at least) much resemble Lurch from the Adams Family. Hunched over, swinging a pail full of water to clean tables. What sloppy students we have here. But really you would've thought a 5 year old was eating at the table....some times that is probably true...but sometimes it isn't. Also I love hearing fake people except for I don't. There are girls on campus who seem to have self esteem issues, not because they aren't pretty but because..(we aren't really sure what they are lacking...and by we I mean the people inside my head and I...jk I don't have voices.) but they just over-exaggerate everything, try to be really outgoing which just turns into obnoxious individuals. Notice how I haven't mentioned one name in this post? You know why...I learned a valuable lesson last night...not from my experience. But I was in the library and I happened to be sitting next to these two girls whom I don't know and they started ripping on this girl (who I know) they went on and on, I was just like...never talk about someone because you never know who is listening..also girls like gossip so it always finds it's way back to that person. Anyway so yeah...lesson learned, tough stuff. Then there are the innocent souls who are so tired that they just have to rest their wee heads for a mere moment of blissful shut-eye. To these folks I just want to go give them a blanket and a pillow and say "I'll wake you in twenty minutes". However those are not easily packable items. By backpack is full of goods -- advil, first aid kit, plethra of band-aids, granola bar, paper (obviosuly) but a blanket and a pillow just can't pack. post is good without a picture:

I love my siblings..even though this is only two of them.

Anyway if any of you really read this, hope you enjoyed it. I liked writing it enough to post it...or else it would've been a waste of my time. It's pointless babble really, but every now and then I find it interesting to see what people are thinking. Make a post of pointless babble.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

7 Things

The number 7 will be a common occurrences in this particular post. It's been 7 months since I last posted. And there have been 7 significant evens.

This past weekend I went down to Utah for CANADIAN THANKSGIVING. While down there I met up with my friend Christina's family, her brother was blessing their baby Carmen. This summer Brittany and I spent a week at the Taylor house hold. We loved it in Tyler!! The Taylor's are so much fun. Anyway this past weekend we went to the baby blessing and reunited with them all. Christina, Benjamin, Brittany and Myself have so much fun together, he are some pics from our togetherness.

For Thanksgiving Brittany cooked at TURKEY. Yes her first one ever, and it turned out fabulous. To prepare she watched a many of youtube videos, and paid close attention to what some great chefs do! It was a delicious turkey, so succulent. Stephanie made heaps of salads that we to die for! Everyone brought a little something, we had so much food left over!! Definitely had a great time!! Here is the gang:

3 Weeks ago I had the pleasure of travelling back to my home land...aka Canada for my friend Ben's wedding! We left Thursday night drove all through the night, and came back sunday night! I had so much fun!! It was almost a year before I had been there and I just forget all the goodies Canada has to offer me! We got Bubble Tea, Tim Horton's, shopped at Value Village, and I just loved being there with my friends. Renee let me live with her for the weekend, and I loved sharing her bed with her. She is the best!! Here are photo's from the wedding!!

Now...Flash back to summer. I was super lame this summer and didn't take any pictures at all!! All these photo's send props to Renee Comfort. She documented my first Rexburg summer. I loved being here in the summer, met some really great people had a ton of fun!! Played human rubber band a lot, bridge jumping, Rigby lake, Camping, , weddings, Frisbee, slacked a little too much in school (yikes) But loved life!!

No summer is complete without a Steph and Karl dressup night. I was sitting at the computer and Stephanie was just standing behind me looking like this for about ten minutes till she had to tap me on the shoulder. Naturally I jumped at the startling man standing behind me! I quickly had to join in on the dress up. The pink stuff is this zinc sunscreen that I am sure was expired it was greasy and was kinda hard to remove, but we do love to dress up. So I don't really care. haha

My friend Miklya's sister Caitlin got married this summer!! She was such a beautiful bride. We went to the wedding reception in Lindon. It was so nice, outside, sunny, great chocolate brownie dessert, and a dance to follow!! I love wedding functions!!

For CANADA day a bunch of us got togehter and made POUTINE yum! and watched Strange Brew. Poutine is soo good. Even though this wasn't real, it certainly satisfied my tastes!!

For the 4th of July Renee, Jenae and I all painted our nails patriotic colours, we then headed to IF to witness the fireworks!! It was a fun time. 4th of July is one of the biggest holiday's here I am betting. I love celebrating holidays!!!

Michelle Brandley was at school in the summer, didn't hang out with her much which I regret she I always have such a good time with her. Such a funny lady!!! Anyway Brittany and Stephanie came to visit me one weekend and we of course hit up DQ because that's what we do here in Rexburg.

This is us playing or rather posing in the human rubber band. We had so much fun playing this at porter park on days that were beautiful. Seriously hours wasted away. It is such a fun game, dangerous but fun. Susceptable to brusing but fun. Probably only allowed for ages 14 and older to play with. We let one boy probably around age 10 play and he got smacked to the ground, probably got a concussion poor boy. But we warned him. After that we didn't let anymore kids play.

The picture above is a group of us playing the whip cream game. You put a dollop of cool whip or whip cream on your hand then flop your hand up to hopefully catch it in your mouth...the result is a creamed face...and you stink like rotten milk after. But enjoyable none the less.

So that about sums up my life in seven months. Lets see I am pretty sure there were about seven events that kept me going. Currently it is fall semester here at BYUI. It is personally my 5th semester. My how time has flown. I will prbably be graduating Winter of 2012 which is just crazy to think about. I actually need to start thinking about my life (I like to have plans FYI). Here are some photo's from the first couple nights back...SAMMY's famous pie shake shop opened up, they have held many events, this was one concert that a bunch of us went to. I love my friends!

Also...coming soon. Karl's famous pumpkin carvings...Each year I carve a masterpiece of a pumpkin. They take me about 6 hours to complete..yes I am hardcore. The past two years I have done these:

(fall 2009)

(fall 2008)
Get excited for fall 2010!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Oh The Place's You'll Go!

This post was inspired by 1) my background it was called "the places you'll go" and 2) Dr. Suess's book "Oh The Place's You'll Go".

As most of you know my family moved to Perth, Australia July of 2009 because of my dad's job. We were so excited because this is a once in a life time opportunity! And it was a very good career move for my dad. So the family came here and they loved it! Life here is slow paced, really relaxing. The beach is really really close by and there are beach bums every where!

So "Oh the place's I will go"...My mom gave me and my sister this book when we went to college because you never know the places or experiences life will bring you. I never thought in a million years that I or my family would be living in Australia! So I took advantage of the opportunity and took winter semester off this year to come home and relax after a pretty stressful semester. When I got here I knew it would be hard to leave. Because I love the sun, and the beach, and really the life to come with it. I once told my dad that if I could I would buy a boat before a car. He told me that it was stupid because how would I get the boat to the beach? DUhhh....FRIENDS. I am guessing if I could find a friend to tow my boat to the beach they wouldn't hate lounging and playing in the water with it. Anyway that is just info about who I am aka I love being in the water and playing!

There have been positives and negatives of being here. I don't mean to be a negative nancy but the hardest part for me was not having the close friends that I had back at school. Granted there are singles wards at school, but I didn't think it would be THAT bad down here. There was NO singles ward. The singles were dispersed among the family wards. Some had 10-12 other aka mine had 5. The singles here were not young either well the ones in my ward. The other wards are like 30-45 minutes away, and just never had the chance to meet them. Anyway the singles in my ward are a little older 25-30 and working or finishing up school. not really the crowd I would hang out with. So that has deff been hard for me. I have REALLY REALLY learned not to take friends for granted. Life keeps throwing these learning experiences at me it's like one thing after another every single time! I am just thinking, I have learned!! Everything has stuck with me, obviously I am not getting something though! All I can say is THANK GOODNESS for facebook, through this wonderous invention I have been able to keep intouch with many of my friends whom I have missed SO much!

POSITIVES of being here! There are billions of things I have loved about being here that I possibly could not right all of them down, cause my fingers would fall off and my chance of getting carpal tunnel would porbably increase by 75%. So to name just a few...1)Home cooking!! Even though I don't eat out THAT much at school my meals are nothing like my moms! I have loved just having the family eating dinner together and socializing with them, and eating delish meals that I have loved for a long time!! I certainly do not look forward to having to cook again (the stove and me aren't best friends yet). 2) Doing laundry. I have the BEST MOM EVER!! When I come home from school she does my laundry for me, and I am so grateful for that! Even though it is a small thing and if she asked me to do my own I wouldn't mind, it is so sweet of her to do it for me even though I am almost 20. I love her for doing that!! THANKS MOM! I have ABSOLUTELY LOVED living in the LAND DOWN UNDER. It is unreal here. We live a short two minute walk to the beach and it's pretty private. I am going to take a video of walking there so you can all see! I have loved the sunny weather and skipping winter for once in my life! I will be going down to the beach right after this to soak of the last days of the sun before I head back to the ICEBURG. I have tried surfing a couple times, not as easy as it looks! Waves should be getting a bit bigger soon so hopefully I can get a good ride before I go!

There are only 7 days before I depart this blessed land for another blessed land. I am so excited to be going back to friends and half excited for school.

Monday, April 5, 2010

I just saw a ghost!

After my shower today I put on a mask to rejuvenate my skin ahah. While waiting for it to dry I sat in my towel on my bed on facebook. My friend Brett posted a picture on facebook about his experience with WOW - mainly that it ruins lives. He looked so hilarious in it, my eyes filled with water from laughter. I though to meself..I mean myself I shall take some pics of my ritual of after the shower. Because everytime I shower I sit in my towel for a good hour. One day I had a mask on and my sister Katelyn says "Are you okay?!? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Hence the name of this post.


This past week was SRPING BREAK for the kidlets, and well the rest of the world. Instead of lazing by the beach for a week the family decided to go to BALI! Bali is in Indonesia incase you didn't know. And it is one of the shortest flights out if Perth (only 3 hours) so seeing that we have never been and will only be in Australia for a couple years we thought we should take advantage at how close we are to many places in this part of the world. So off we went.

We stayed at a place called Seminyak Suites, we had our own villa which had an outdoor kitchen/living room (pictured above). Each villa also had its own private pool (pictured below). I loved this part of it. I love to swim and just being in the water, so I swam every night and spent lots of time in the pool!

We went to a Hindu Temple where we had to wear colourful sarongs because we were wearing shorts (below)

This temple had hundreds of monkeys. They liked to find garbage and eat the last crumbs of some left over pringles (above). There was one teeny tiny baby monkey, and he was so cute!! He had the biggest eyes, and was a little camera shy. He came out from under his moms belly to peek out see everyone! (below)

Another day we took a little drive to this place where they had a fish spa. Basically you put your feet into this tank of these small fish and sit there for twenty minutes. These fish eat dead skin - which when you think about it is SO disgusting - it tickles a little bit at first but then you become desensitized to it haha. After twenty minutes you are done and your feet are so soft!! I would recommend doing this if you ever get the chance the way your feet feel is well worth it!

Next up was Bali Safari and Marine Park. When we got there we were hungry so we ate some food. It was SO unbelievably cheap just like everything is in Bali. They had several different counters you could order from ie. Chinese, Western, Italian. I got Pad Thai, every chance I get I eat this delicious dish! It was only $4.00!

Here we took a family (well minus me cause I was taking the picture and Brittany cause she is at school) picture infront of this HUGE elephant cave sculpture.

At this park we got see elephants bathing! So funny, you could feed them carrots, the little kids loved this!

In Bali the streets are VERY crowded and there really is no such thing as road rules there. A two lane road can easily turn into a 3 or 4 lane road. People were packed on there like pickles. (I say pickles cause they are packed tighter than sardines you'll catch on). Cars faced ongoing traffic at times waiting to turn around, if you wanted to pass someone just cross over onto oncoming taffic no worries. It's not AS dangerous as it sounds because driving over there although a thrill is pretty safe. People are in no real hurry and therefore are patient so it not like Germanic speed racing down the road. There is no public transportation system so everyone and I literally mean EVERYONE drives a motorbike. They are cheap and small easy to manouver through traffic.

Dad picked up some rice while we were at a restaurant. Rice fields are everywhere in the countryside. Rice is a staple crop here and eaten with pretty much every meal. I have seen pictures of rice fields but didn't know what the actual stem looked like, so here it is.

We went to a DVD store and got about 50 dvds for $50 bucks!! There are only a couple that aren't great quality but all the others are great! Everynight we lounged at home and watched some of the movies.

We had dinner at the beach the last night we were there, unfortunatley it was cloudy but still nice nonetheless. As we ate dinner this is what we looked out onto. I loved seeing kids playing in the sand, and people walking along the beach. While we were waiting for dinner I decided to take some pictures of the kids at the beach. I love them in black and white, and how they turned out, so natural looking.

This was our seafood meal, complete with king prawn, lobster, fish, crab, and mussels (i tried one mussel, but didn't like them enough to eat the rest) I loved the LOBSTER though.

Bali was a great place to visit! After a week we were ready to come home. While we were there we got a massage every night! A full body hour long massage there is only $20 dollars. I slept so good!! My body was so relaxed and my muscles were so loose. That was one major reason why I was so sad to leave, those twenty dollar massages were a luxury! But it is good to be home for a short two weeks before I go back to school!